Robot Stands for Debugging

Robot Stands for Debugging

Robots tend to want to move when doing software development. Sometimes unexpectedly. Or sometimes in the wrong direction or way too fast. If they are sitting on your desk or workbench this will quite likely be problematic. And often hazardous to the health of your robot...

If your robot has a nice flat smooth bottom its pretty easy to solve this problem by setting it up on wood blocks or old boxes of an appropriate size. If it doesn't have a flat bottom you need to get a little more creative. But we're makers, right?? I 3d print custom stands for each robot that have fingers or pins or cradles placed appropriately to securely hold the robot during even full throttle shakeups. They're easy and quick to design, and make a world of difference.

Every stand will be unique, so no CAD here. Here's some ideas to get you started though....